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Intimus 45 CP5 Cross Cut Shredder Key Features Up to 10-11 sheet capacity * 1.9 x 15mm cross cut size 210 sheets per minute cutting speed 45 litre bin 235mm entry width CPNI Approved Your Price: £ 966.43 (£ 1159.72 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1409.45 SAVE: £443.02
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Order Code: 22301J, 58041EZ
MPN Code: 278172
This multi functional shredder destroys paper, CDs, DVDs, floppy disks, staples, paper clips and credit cards. Integrated Auto Reverse Function for easy removal of jammed paper.
User friendly thanks to i-control function control. 2x2 cut & collect: separate cutting blocks for digital media incl. catch basket. Silentec®: innovative sound dampening principle and EcoLogic for more energy efficiency.
Conforms to DIN level P-5, F-2, O-1 & T-2
* Using 70gsm weight paper