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Basildon Bond Wallet Envelope DL Peel and Seal Window 120gsm White (PacK 500) - A80117 Key Features White Basildon Bond envelopes have a distinctive watermark, communicating a truly professional image. Convenient pack quantities for complete business flexibility. Easy to use Peel & Seal tape for a secure bond, printer compatible removes the need for address labels. Easy Open envelopes feature a built-in tear strip which can be opened quickly and neatly without damaging contents or compromising security.. Window DL 90gsm Your Price: £ 35.93 (£ 43.12 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 61293BG
MPN Code: A80117
There is now no need to sacrifice a quality appearance for the sake of a green alternative. This new range of stationery uses 100% recycled paper and yet delivers the quality you would expect from Basildon Bond. Available is a range of business envelopes and a personal stationery pad with matching envelopes.
General Type Colour Size Material Envelope Grade Grammage Closure Gusset Window Position 18mm Up, 19mm From Left 19mm in, 18mm up
Window Size Flap Position Dimensions Eco-Aware Recycled Product Minimum 98% Recycled Material