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Logitech K270 WIRELESS KEYBOARD Key Features Connect with Ease Eight Hot Keys Charged and Ready Logitech Unifying Receiver 2.4GHz wireless connectivity with 10 metre range Plug and Play simplicity Your Price: £ 33.34 (£ 40.01 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 82793MR, 8LO920003745
MPN Code: 920-003745
This Logitech K270 Wireless Keyboard helps to makes computing simple as you simply have to plug the receiver into your USB port to start using it. It has an advanced 2.4 GHz wireless connection that gives you excellent signal and automatic frequency switching helps prevent drop out. This 920-003745 keyboard also has an automatic standby mode, making your batteries last longer.
General Type Colour Form Wired/Wireless Connection Power Supply 2x AAA Batteries 2x AAA Batteries
Manufacturer Brand