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Legamaster ESSENCE whiteboard 200x120cm Key Features Size: 200 x 120cm High-quality frameless and scratch-resistant whiteboard for long-term use Magnetic enamel whiteboard surface Frameless design with rounded corners Suitable for horizontal and vertical wall mounting Mounting set mounting instructions and cleaning instruction included Suitable for writing on with dry erase whiteboard markers Your Price: £ 493.58 (£ 592.30 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 975.72 SAVE: £482.14
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 34586J
MPN Code: 7-107094
This board is perfect for any modern workplace, combining style and functionality. It provides excellent writing and dry-erase performance, and its magnetic surface makes it easy to attach notes, sketches, and photos. You can easily mount it on the wall with the included brackets. The board comes with a 25-year guarantee on its perfect writability and wipeability when used with Legamaster accessories. Additionally, it is made from materials sourced from well-managed, FSC®-certified forests and other controlled sources (FSC C158462).
EU Ecolabel certified