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Philips LFH0067 Executive Starter Kit Key Features Executive starter kit includes LFH488 Pocket Memo LFH720 desktop transcriber LFH2210 foot control LFH234 headset LFH155 adaptor 5 x LFH0005 minicassettes Your Price: £ 1617.00 (£ 1940.40 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 1983.00 SAVE: £366
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 5 to 7 Working days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 12190J
MPN Code: LFH0067/15B
The Philips LFH067 Dictation Starter Kit is the perfect choice for any beginner to the world of dictation or transcription.
The 51485 dictation starter kit includes a 488 Pocket Memo dictation machine, 720T transcription machine with power supply, headphones and foot control; you also receive 5 mini cassettes and batteries for your dictation machine. With this LFH067 starter kit from Philips, you really do get everything you need.
Philips LFH0067 Executive Starter Kit brochure