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Kraft Paper Mailing Bags with Twin Peel & Seal 250mm x 360mm + 60mm Gusset + 90mm Lip (Pack 50) - KMB250 Your Price: £ 19.86 (£ 23.83 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 35.38 SAVE: £15.52
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Order Code: 20929HZ
MPN Code: KMB250
These Kraft gusset mailing bags are made from 100% recyclable, compostable and biodegradable paper. Manufactured in the UK. With the expanding gusset they are a great lightweight alternative to cardboard boxes. Twin peel and seal strips allow the consumer to reuse or return the item in the same bag if required.
General Brand Closure Colour Dimensions Eco-Aware Envelope Grade Environment Support 100% Recyclable, Compostable & Biodegradable
Flap Position Grammage Gusset Material Size Type