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Motorola FW410L SIM FREE Quad band GSM Phone Key Features GSM Network Compatibility Wi-Fi Hotspot (802.11 b/g/n - 2.4GHz) GSM Quad Band Send and receive SMS - Store SMS messages on the phone base and SIM card Battery Backup (Long Rechargeable Battery Life) Store up to 2000 name and numbers Hands-free Speakerphone 2.2" Black and White Backlit Display Your Price: £ 80.16 (£ 96.19 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 89.00
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 35257J
MPN Code: 107FW410L
The Motorola FW410 4G Fixed Wireless Telephone is the natural choice for residential and business communication needs. Perfect for homes, offices and other areas lacking fixed communication infrastructure, or residents and businesses that would like to remove their landline or reduce the number of landlines.
Unlocked to all GSM (2G, 3G WCDMA, 4G, TDD-LTE and 4G FDD-LTE) networks