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Casio MS-80F 8 Digit Desk Calculator Key Features 8-Digit angled XL-Display Solar/Battery powered function command signs and thousands separators Easy to operate and ergonomically shaped keys Numeric keypad configured with "0" key below "1" key Advanced Percentage Calculation Tax Calculation of price plus tax/price less tax Currency Conversion with 2 storable rates. Your Price: £ 7.65 (£ 9.18 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 9.99 SAVE: £2.34
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 33343J
MPN Code: MS-80F
The MS-80F is a compact desk calculator with Currency Conversions (2 Conversion Memories), tax calculation and metal cover protection. Featuring a large 8-digit LC-Display, two-way power and 3-Key Memory function.
Other features include:
Tax Keys / Tax Calculations
Currency Conversion (3 rates)
3 Key Memory
Change Sign Key
% Key
Double size + Key
3 Digit Comma Marker
Function Command
Large plastic keys