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Nobo Multimedia Projector Trolley Twin Platform Grey 1900791 Key Features Height adjustable multi-media platform which tilts and pivots through 360° for maximum flexibility. Four castor base (two locking) for stability. Twin platform to hold both DLP/LCD Projector and laptop. Platform size: (WxD) 380x430mm. Height adjustable 810-1200mm. Weight limit: 10kg. Size: (WxDxH): 860x430x1200mm Your Price: £ 330.51 (£ 396.61 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 25806AC
MPN Code: 1900791
This durable Multimedia Projection Trolley has two separate platforms: one to take your laptop and another for your projector. Both platforms tilt and swivel 360° to achieve the perfect presentation angle. Each platform can support up to 10kg and height can also be adjusted within a range of 810 to 1200mm.
General Type Projector & Monitor Accessories
Form Maximum Load Dimensions Warranty