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Nobo 1915312 Magnetic 38mm Black Whiteboard Magnets Pack of 10 Key Features 38mm round whiteboard magnets Perfect tool to display and visualise ideas for collaborative brainstorming sessions Ideal as fridge magnets to fix reminders and important messages neatly at home holds 20 x 80gsm A4 sheet securely Magnet strength 2.5kg Your Price: £ 5.36 (£ 6.43 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 12.11 SAVE: £6.75
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 34763J
MPN Code: 1915312
Round magnets are the perfect tool to display and visualise ideas for collaborative brainstorming sessions on magnetic whiteboards or used as fridge magnets to fix reminders and important messages neatly at home.
These coloured magnets hold 20 x 80gsm A4 sheets of paper securely.
38mm in diameter.
Magnet strength 2.5kg
pack of 10 black magnets