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Nobo 1915325 Microfibre Magnetic Whiteboard Eraser Refill Pads Key Features Whiteboard eraser microfibre refills pad for easy removal of ink and dirt residue Microfibre pads are washable and can be used with the range of Nobo Whiteboard cleaning products Pack of 2 microfibre refill pads Your Price: £ 6.99 (£ 8.39 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 15.83 SAVE: £8.84
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Order Code: 35128J
MPN Code: 1915325
These microfibre refill pads for use with magnetic whiteboard eraser 1915324 removes ink from whiteboard pens effectively from all dry wipe whiteboard surfaces. The microfiber pads are washable and can be used with all Nobo whiteboard cleaners such as sprays and foams, helping to maintain the whiteboard's optimal performance and appearance.
Pack of 2 microfiber refill pads.