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Fellowes Neptune 3 A3 Laminator Key Features A3 office laminator 4-roller laminator for high quality results laminates all pouches up to 175 microns (2x175)* 4 temperature settings 60cm/min lamination speed Your Price: £ 196.79 (£ 236.15 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 508.22 SAVE: £311.43
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 25157J, 36411FE
MPN Code: 5721601
Fellowes Neptune 3 A3 Laminator (Pack of 1) 5721601Making sure that your documents last for a long time without any damage to their quality, the Fellowes Neptune 3 Laminator is perfect for all workplaces. Automatically registering the laminating pouch thickness, the machine adjusts itself accordingly to ensure a smooth and blemish free surface.When using Fellowes pouches, the machine is guaranteed to be 100% jam free, meaning that there is never any holdup or disruption of the laminating process.
* When used with Fellowes branded pouches
Fellowes Neptune 3 A3 Laminator brochure