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Olympus ODMS for Clients - Dictation Module Key Features The Olympus Dictation Management System R6 (ODMS) provides full support of the latest dictation technology for professional environments both authors and secretaries can benefit from perfect user friendliness which is a result from Olympus´ experience in audio for several decades Your Price: £ 97.06 (£ 116.47 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 144.73 SAVE: £47.67
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Order Code: 25263J
MPN Code: V4661310E000
Dictation Module to create and manage dictations, 256 bit file encryption with DSS Pro audio codec, Olympus File Downloader (separate software tool), for mobile and stationary dictation, geared for Dragon Naturally Speaking
Olympus ODMS for Clients - Dictation Module brochure