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Parker Jotter Ballpoint Pen Stainless Steel/Chrome Barrel Blue Ink - 1953205 Key Features Stainless steel body Chrome finish cap and trim QuinkflowŽ ink technology Your Price: £ 11.21 (£ 13.45 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 12.12
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Order Code: 56862NR
MPN Code: 1953205
Slow down and appreciate the experience of expressing your thoughts and ideas on paper with the PARKER Jotter Stainless Steel ballpoint pen. A style icon for over 60 years, the Jotter has a fresh, streamlined design. It features a stainless steel barrel and cap, high-shine trims, and an arrowhead clip. The Jotter’s stunning details make it a refined gift for graduates, first-time job seekers, or anyone who appreciates the art of fine writing.
General Type Ballpoint & Rollerball Pens
Colour Form Tip Size Ink Type Refillable Retractable Tip Barrel Colour