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Pentel Recycology A4 Vivid Display Book 30 Pocket Green (Pack 10) - DCF343D Key Features Brightly coloured cover in vivid shades Title space on spine for easy reference Non-reflective, matt finish, low-static pockets Available in blue, green, yellow, pink and violet Available in A4 size with 30 pockets Made from at least 50% recycled material Your Price: £ 26.98 (£ 32.38 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 720776, 16951PE
MPN Code: DCF343D
Inspired by the concept of the 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – Recycology products also incorporate the style and performance associated with Pentel. So, now you can enhance your environment, as well as help to protect it.
General Type Colour Size Material Capacity Orientation Pocket On Front Cover Cover Form Eco-Aware Recycled Product Minimum 50% Recycled Material
Environment Support