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Pentel N50 Permanent Marker Bullet Tip 2.2mm Line Blue (Pack 12) - N50-C Key Features Robust aluminium barrels Bonded fibre tips retain their shape Will write on almost any surface including cardboard, plastic, metal, wood, glass Vivid waterproof ink Our No 1 range for many years Your Price: £ 14.76 (£ 17.71 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 17042PE
MPN Code: N50-C
Pentel Blue N50 is a robust everyday permanent marker. This Robust permanent marker will write on almost any surface including metal, wood, glass, card and plastic. It has a metal barrel, perfect for long lasting in more harsh working environments! No wonder they’re the number one choice for industry and commerce. The ink is fast drying yet rich in colour. Ink flow is controlled by a valve mechanism to allow a precise application.
General Type Colour Tip Shape Line Width Ink Type Barrel Feature Tip Type Warranty