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Rapid R106E Electronic Stapler Key Features Electronic stapler flat/saddle stitch stapling & loop stapling staple up to 20 sheets (80gsm) 85mm stapling depth uses 66/6-8+ staples Your Price: £ 1101.24 (£ 1321.49 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 2635.68 SAVE: £1534.44
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 7 to 10 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 17180J
MPN Code: 10875310
3 staplers in 1, based on the 105E stapler. Equipped with interchangeable insert stapler, the Rapid 106E can handle both standard stapling and brochure (saddle) stapling (with standard or loop staples). Suitable for workplaces where both stacks and brochures are to be stapled.
Rapid R106E Electronic Stapler brochure