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Rapid PRO R153E Staple Gun Key Features For finewire staple No. 53 (4-8 mm) smooth functioning loading system and recoilless mechanism ergonomic handle with lock function for easy storage all-steel casing and wear parts inside Your Price: £ 24.15 (£ 28.98 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 39.85 SAVE: £15.7
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 32817J
MPN Code: 20511050
A light, easy to use metal staple gun ideal for demanding, professional jobs and precision operation. Superior performance and working life mean the R153E can easily handle regular use.
This model is perfect for users with smaller hands and can be applied to diverse tasks including furniture upholstery or fastening of thinner fabrics, leather, paper, labels or sensitive textiles.