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OM Systems RecMic II RM-4010N Trackball System Edition Key Features Push switch model suitable for speech recognition USB 2.0 functionality trackball with improved usability 2 microphone system for recording under noisy environment smooth UV coating and silent buttons to reduce touch noise antimicrobial body and alcohol resistance for medical use compatible with ODMS 8 and above Your Price: £ 141.06 (£ 169.27 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 193.33 SAVE: £52.27
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 35042J
MPN Code: V420200BE000
Discover the intelligent and flexible USB microphone, the RecMic II RM-4010P is for people who want to turn speech into text easily in any environment.
Thanks to the support of HID keyboard mode this device is compatible with any third party application, which can be controlled with regular keyboard shortcuts. The RM-4010P is equipped with a push switch and trackball.
The new RecMic II incorporates low noise omni-directional microphones. The Sound Studio Shock Mounting reduces touch noise from your hand to the body.