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Safescan RS-100 Removable Stacker Key Features Removable banknote stacker can collect and store up to 10 banknotes can easily be attached and removed maintains the small footprint and space-saving design of the counterfeit detector the Safescan RS-100 is exclusively designed for the Safescan 155-S (G2) Your Price: £ 15.50 (£ 18.60 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 17.00
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
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Order Code: 33130J
MPN Code: 112-0695
Process your banknotes with total ease. Simply attach the Safescan RS-100 to your counterfeit detector to collect all verified notes. You can even turn your Safescan 155-S into a mini banknote counter by activating the add function. Not only will the Safescan 155-S show you the total number and value of verified notes, but the Safescan RS-100 will also collect and store the notes until you are ready to process them.
Compatible with the Safescan 155-S G2 Counterfeit detection machine with the following part numbers 112-0668, 112-0691, 112-0692, 112-0693, 112-0694
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