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Dymo 99012 24 Rolls of 36mm x 89mm Large Address Permanent Labels Key Features pack of 24 x 260 large address labels black on white permanent labels label size - 36mm x 89mm Your Price: £ 157.50 (£ 189.00 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 311.65 SAVE: £154.15
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 26625J, 73011NR
MPN Code: S0722390
Genuine DYMO LabelWriter labels are an efficient and cost-effective solution for all your mailing, shipping and organizing needs. With direct thermal technology that prints without ink or toner, you get better labeling without any ink smearing. LW labels come on pre-formatted label rolls, allowing you to print one or hundreds of labels without the hassle of sheets, waste or jams. LabelWriter labels are designed for DYMO 55/450, 5XL/4XL and LabelWriter Wireless label makers.
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