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Snopake Polyfile Portrait Wallet File Polypropylene A6 Clear (Pack 5) - 13293 Key Features Portrait wallets for upright filing, storage and presentation Snopake press-stud closure keeps contents secure inside Smart Superline finish for professional presentation and everyday protection Clear file enables easier identification of contents Your Price: £ 2.75 (£ 3.30 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 31427SN
MPN Code: 13293
The Snopake Polyfile was launched in 1995, as a tough, elegant and environmentally-friendly alternative to the manilla folder. Manufactured from tough, long-lasting polypropylene, it is easy to wipe clean and is available in an array of vibrant colours and soft clear pastels. Complete with a coloured press-stud that ensures that documents stay safely inside the folder.
General Type Colour Size Material Style Capacity Closure Grammage/Thickness Country of Origin Dimensions Warranty