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SanDisk Cruzer Blade 16GB USB A Flash Drive Key Features Compact design that fits easily into a pocket or computer bag This USB drive has a sleek black and red design that coordinates with many electronic devices Transferring data onto the Cruzer Blade USB Flash Drive is easy: simply plug it into your computer's USB port and drag files into the drive's folder After a fast, first-time driver download, this USB drive lets you start storing, transporting, and sharing your data immediately Your Price: £ 6.08 (£ 7.30 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8SASDCZ50016GB35, SANSDCZ50-016G, 8SD10016964
MPN Code: SDCZ50-016G-B35
With its stylish, compact design and generous capacity, the Cruzer Blade USB Flash Drive makes it easy to back up, transfer, and share your files. Available in capacities up to 128GB , this USB drive lets you carry your photos, movies, music, and personal data wherever you go.
General Type USB Memory Sticks USB Memory Sticks
Colour Capacity Warranty 5 Year Limited Warranty 5 Year Limited Warranty
Brand Manufacturer