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Fellowes Spectra A3 Laminator Key Features A3 office laminator laminates all pouches up to 125 microns 30cm/min lamination speed Your Price: £ 59.58 (£ 71.50 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 158.55 SAVE: £98.97
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 25898J, 36432FE
MPN Code: 5738401
The Spectra A3 Laminator is a User-friendly laminator, ready to laminate after 4 minutes warm-up it can laminate 1 sheet of A4 in 1 minute, in pouches up to 125 micron.
With its clear low friction path, it ensures a 100% jam free* lamination and the release mechanism allows you to retrieve and re-align misfed documents. After 30 minutes of inactivity the Spectra will go into Sleep mode, reducing energy consumption making this a great laminator for moderate use in home & home office environments.
* when using Fellowes branded pouches.
Includes 10 pouch laminating starter kit.
Fellowes Spectra A3 Laminator brochure