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Motorola XT460 On-Site Two-Way SINGLE Radio with Charger Key Features Up to 9km range* 8 channels 3.7 volt Li-ion battery 16-position channel/code selector battery save USB CPS interface single handset tri-coloured LED interface 1 per box Your Price: £ 141.52 (£ 169.82 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 175.00 SAVE: £33.48
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - 3 to 4 days*
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 25272J, 8MORMP0166BDLAA
The XT460 is an 8 channel two way radio by Motorola. It has a Tri-coloured LED interface that allows you identify radio features and status.
Clear audio, loudspeaker settings, dust and water resistant make this a great walkie talkie for harsh environment like construction and industry settings. The XT420 runs on a PMR unlicensed frequency so there are no call charges or subscriptions . Designate 16 pre-recorded channel names for your departments and easily stay in touch with a range around 9km.
* Subject to terrain and conditions
Motorola XT460 On-Site Two-Way SINGLE Radio with Charger brochure