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Smart 51 YMCFKO Full Colour Ribbon with UV Panel and Cleaning Roller (200 Prints) Key Features 200 full-colour single-sided prints YMCKO with UV (Yellow Magenta Cyan Black and Overlay with UV panels) Includes 1x Cleaning roller Compatible with the IDP Smart 51 card printer Your Price: £ 59.98 (£ 71.98 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 65.00
Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date Availability - Next day*
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Order Code: 35426J
MPN Code: R-IA-659380
The IDP Smart 659380 YMCKO Colour Ribbon is a five-panel full-colour and overlay ribbon for IDP Smart 51 printer use. This specially features a UV panel that delivers your customers an increased level of card security at no extra cost. Each roll yields up to 200 secured ID card prints.
200 full-colour single-sided prints
YMCKO with UV (Yellow, Magenta, Cyan, Black and Overlay with UV panels)
Includes 1x Cleaning roller
Compatible with the IDP Smart 51 card printer
Available Products